Ramblings and Musings
from Evelynne

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Ottoman Empire
Sundry Mourning
Terry Lee

2003-08-21 - 4:32 p.m.

On the internal soundtrack: "Our House"

OK, time for a garden update and the first batch of Denver photos, not necessarily in that order.

First full day in Denver, we went to the Museum of Nature and Science. In other words, Germy Kid Central. While I have acquired the hygienic habits of an adult, part of me is still about six years old, which is why I was so very amused by things like the funhouse mirror:

That is the headless Poindexter on my left, and I have no idea who those particular germy children are. They are not Poindexter's cousins.

The next day, we went to the zoo, which is also Germy Kid Central but is more tolerable since it is outside. While at the zoo, I saw the following mammals:

a baby tiger

a primate of some sort with an attachment to a squeaky doll-head thing

an older bearded man in a kilt

(I pretended to take pictures of the penguins so it wasn't too obvious. His wife, wearing a long full skirt, got out of my way, hopefully clueless that I was taking a picture of her HUSBAND.)

and the fattest family I have ever seen

The woman, third from the left, and the man on the right were the absolute largest. I was stunned. The photo doesn't really convey how incredibly, frighteningly large they were, probably because you can't see how labored their walking was from the sheer weight they were carrying around.

I was also able to observe some of their behavior. One of the mothers got pissed at her kid, and yanked him by the arm, and then smacked him twice on the head with her empty water bottle while yelling at him. Obviously she doesn't subscribe to the "reasoning" school of child discipline.

Now, the gahhhhhhden.

The renegade morning glory is coming along nicely, as is the parsley. Here's the glory the first day I saw it:

And here it is the other day:

And speaking of morning glories, the "Scarlett O'Hara" type is blooming (still waiting on the blue ones and the moonflower):

And the trough is overflowing with the morning glory vines, and the hollyhocks in the pot have gone nuts -- check out the before and after here:

Also, Renee's pineapple sage, which was cut twice three weeks ago, is now turning into a bushy ball:

In case you were worried, the flamingos have moved, over in the shade so they don't get bleached by the sun. Plus, they match the double impatiens, which are also growing like mad:

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