Ramblings and Musings
from Evelynne

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(now with photos)

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If you see a dead picture link and REALLY want to see the picture, e-mail me and I'll e-mail it to you. I had to delete a bunch to save space.

Quick list:

Ottoman Empire
Sundry Mourning
Terry Lee

2003-08-21 - 4:01 p.m.

On the internal soundtrack: "Silent Night", of all things.

Tuesday, August 12

So, in case you hadn't guessed, I'm in Denver on that conference I mentioned a few entries ago. So far I'm spending a lot of time with P's family (his youngest, four-years-older uncle and his 20-years-younger cousins, plus another uncle, an aunt, and Gramma). I haven't seen anything anyone recommended yet except the Brown Palace, although I'm hoping to remedy that in the next day or two.

Here is Evelynne the T-Rex at the hands-on exhibit at the museum:


- At the zoo, taking pictures of the humans as well as the other animals. I got a picture of a guy in a kilt (not really a hottie, but it was a kilt) and an entire family of morbidly obese people. Two members in particular were so large (we're talking over 500 pounds) that it made me feel short of breath just looking at them. Photos later.

- Dancing around like maniacs last night with the young cousins to Monkees songs

- Dinner at the restaurant where the youngest uncle is a chef. Mmmmmmmmmmm. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. It is too cool to eat delicious meals that he designed himself. Wow.

Monday, August 18

I'm tired. I had a good time in Denver, but it was exhausting -- I didn't sleep well, and I ran around a lot doing stuff.

Now I'm still tired (jet lag) and don't feel like writing. And I'm never going to catch up on my friends list. Sigh.

Did I mention I'm tired?

I wrote this awhile back and will use it as filler until my brain gets back into writing gear.

So, while Kit was at my house the other weekend, I made a peanut butter & Nutella sandwich (thank you, Eric, for ruining plain-PB sandwiches for me ;)) and cut it into rectangular quarters. She took a picture of it, of course.

Kit was charmed at the very idea of sandwich quarters, and then warmed my heart by talking about ratios. She mentioned that she liked to have some crust in every bite, and that this allowed for a higher probability of getting a good ratio of crust to rest-of-the-sandwich. I pointed out that if you take out one crustless bite (which I then demonstrated, I believe), the remainder of a quarter sandwich then has the desired ratio. "But I don't want that first bite," she said. "Let me eat it, then," I said. I don't like crust.

(You see why if Kit were a boy she'd be serious competition for Poindexter. We're so COMPLEMENTARY.)

And also, I love a person who understands about ratios. Ratios are soooooooo important. Y'gotta have the right ratio of filling to bread in a sandwich. That ratio differs for different people, and for different fillings, but everybody's got their own ratios. They're just usually not weird enough to admit it, and if they did admit it, they're not geeky enough to use a word like "ratio" to describe it.

Tuesday, August 19

I took a 2-hour nap and feel much less weepy now.

So, on Saturday, I took my coupons and did a little shopping at Strawbridges and the Gallery.

I got a pair of comfy shorts for $2.50! And a $20 somewhat trendy but somewhat formal dress that I am unsure about and will probably post photos of at some point. Aw, heck. I can always wear it out to dinner a few times. The good thing about Philadelphia is that it's not exactly on the cutting edge of fashion so I can bend the rules here.

(Example: I got last month's issue of Glamour magazine and was horrified to discover that they were predicting slim-leg slim-ankle jeans this fall after I just bought three pairs of flare-leg jeans (one of which I gave to userinfokitiara). I complained to Poindexter, who reminded me that "This is Philadelphia. This isn't going to catch on here for another two years at least.")

ANYWAY, I was looking for sundresses during my trip and not finding any, but I did find a plaid kilt-like skirt. A very SHORT plaid kilt-like skirt. Made of a heavy material. And I figured I'd pair it with black tights, my knee-high boots, and a red or black turtleneck sweater (all of which I already have in my closet; yay!) and wear it in the fall.

But then I saw this girl yesterday wearing a similar skirt, equally short, and she paired it with a white short-sleeved shirt and black Chucks. And I thought she looked kinda cute. And I have black Chucks (with a black star round label instead of a white one). So I completely ripped off her look (seeing as I have no "fashion" sense of my own, what with those plaid pants I keep wearing), which you can see here:

The photo was very bad, so I had to cut most of my head off to make myself presentable.

Remember, I live in Philly, so this sort of wacky look is quite acceptable here.

BTW, the skirt is so short that I must remain completely upright when wearing it or else it's all "I see London...". I couldn't stand it, so I put on some spandex shorts underneath and I feel much better and can prance about comfortably now.

Poindexter's commentary on this article, about an 18-year-old bride who gets rip-roaring drunk, throws wedding cake around, and breaks things:

evelynne: Such fun.
Poindexter: Yeah!
Poindexter: That's a great wedding story.
Poindexter: Why couldn't we have a great story like that for our wedding?
evelynne: LOL
Poindexter: You are just too tame, I guess.

Unfortunately, the only moderately interesting fact about our wedding was that we had open bar for an hour before the ceremony. But everyone behaved themselves.

So, I've been Poindexter's sous chef for, what, six years now? I do prep work, chopping vegetables and such. In all that time, with some good sharp knives, I've never cut my finger. Scraped my fingernail, yeah, but not my finger.

So what happens tonight? I put a good slice into my left ring fingertip. Good thing about a clean sharp slice like that is that it closes up right quick, so I can type and everything.

But see, I chopped my finger while chopping ... celery. Hm.

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