Ramblings and Musings
from Evelynne

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Quick list:

Ottoman Empire
Sundry Mourning
Terry Lee

2003-08-23 - 4:54 p.m.

On the internal soundtrack: "Didn't Leave Nobody But the Baby"

Wednesday, August 20

I was in Radio Shack last Saturday to buy a cheap mouse, and the cashier was a tall, very handsome, very charming black guy with a really nice smile, and the name on his nametag was CHERUBIM.

I wanted to ask him about the name, and whether he felt he needed to live up to it by being angelic, but he was pushing other Radio Shack products too hard (fiber optic mice, batteries) and I decided against it. I'm still curious about it, though.


I've been avoiding trying Gillette's MACH 3 razors, because they are really, really expensive. About $2/razor or more. I mean, how much better could they possibly be?

But now that it's summer, and I have to shave so often and my skin hates it, I finally decided, to hell with it, might as well try it. I accidentally bought the MACH 3 Turbo, which is more expensive but is supposedly even better than MACH 3 Plain.


It really is that much better. I'm so annoyed. Why is it so difficult/expensive to make a good razor?! For pete's sake! But the damn thing slides over my tough hair/sensitive skin like butter. It's pretty astonishing, really. So now I have to find a way to buy them in bulk...

Friday, August 22

Good grief. The SoBig virus has into my work mailbox (neutralized by SpamAssassin) about 15 times in the last half hour, in little bursts. This is ridiculous.


After my comment to Kitiara about captionless porn, I started digging around for more examples of funny captioning.

I didn't really find any, but this FAQ about why captions look the way they do was pretty interesting. One thing they don't mention here (as far as I can see with a cursory glance) is how important the timing and placement of captions is. They should appear on the screen a few seconds before the character actually says them, and good captioners place and justify the captions on the side of the screen of the person who is speaking. They also move captions around sometimes so they're blocking the action as little as possible.

It's all really cool, and I'm immensely grateful that there are captioners who do their job so well. Unlike subtitles for foreign-language films, which are designed for people who are not used to reading while watching films, captions should be as near to verbatim as possible. When they're not, a lot of the nuance is left out. Do you know, the VHS version of "Star Wars" (Episode IV) condenses the speech so much that THEY EDIT OUT ALL OF C-3PO's PUNNY JOKES!!!!!!!!! I was furious, and I still can barely watch the movie because it makes me so mad.

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