Ramblings and Musings
from Evelynne

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Quick list:

Ottoman Empire
Sundry Mourning
Terry Lee

2000-11-25 - 10:40pm

On the internal soundtrack: "Four and Twenty Blackbirds", the nursery rhyme. The tune is from some record I had as a kid.

So, we just watched "The Birds". I'm suitably freaked out. We have lots of blackbirds or crows (I know nothing about birds) that like to hang around in our development so I'm now afraid to go outside. That's fun, in a weird sort of way. I couldn't go outside after any of the "Scream" movies either.

And I'm hugely disturbed by the number of windows in our house (we have eighteen big ones) and am planning what kind of food supplies to take up to our windowless walk-in closet, and how to cut a hole between it and the windowless bathroom it shares a wall with. We should be okay there for a while. Should the need ever arise.

Poindexter is now watching a heated debate between Alan Dershowitz and Alan Keyes about the role of religion in society. It's not captioned, so I can't watch too. Dammit.

Alan Keyes is Poindexter's dream candidate for president. Poindexter doesn't necessarily agree with him on everything, but Alan Keyes "believes what he says and says what he believes," qualities that Poindexter finds exceptionally admirable. Unfortunately these same qualities are what will keep him from ever being elected.

Speaking of presidents. Read this. I like, especially, that she tries to present solutions, or at least actions to take, rather than merely presenting the problem.

Well, Thanksgiving was nice. We ate at Aunt Cassie's. My god, I loooooooove gravy. I only eat it about once a year now so it was a huge treat. My mommy made me a pumpkin pie as a birthday present, so I am happily stuffing myself with it twice a day. It should be gone in two more days or so.

Aunt Cassie had two tables, one upstairs and one in the basement. We had a "kiddie table" again! Although she kept referring to us as the "young adults". I was the only girl at the table (cousin Stacey was throwing Thanksgiving for Brent's family at their house), so I was stuck with a bunch of mumblers telling drinking stories.

Stefan was telling us about some friend of his mother's girlfriend who is experiencing paranormal phenomena, such as radios spontaneously going on and all the kitchen cabinets opening by themselves. She's blaming it on her dead husband, who committed suicide two years ago, and is allegedly doing this because she's got a new boyfriend now. I was fascinated. Stefan has met the woman. He said he didn't think she was the type to make stuff up but who knows.

Why doesn't this stuff happen to me? If it did, people who know me would believe me, because I'm the most ridiculously open, honest person they know.

When I was a kid, I used to read a Reader's Digest book called Mysteries of the Unexplained. I'm sure it's lying around at my parents' house someplace. It was great. Spontaneous combustion, incredible coincidences, frogs raining out of the sky, stuff like that. That stuff never happens to me either. Not that I want to spontaneously combust or walk into a field and disappear into thin air, but being there when it rained frogs would be cool.

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