Ramblings and Musings
from Evelynne

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Quick list:

Ottoman Empire
Sundry Mourning
Terry Lee

2003-08-28 - 5:02 p.m.

On the internal soundtrack:

Thursday, August 28

This post from LJ user marieofroumania is right on.

Being dismissive of anyone's looks, although I have been guilty of it, and will be again, is hollow at best, because of the wide variation in individual taste. That is part of the reason I stopped caring about holding the face and the jawline just right in pictures, why I never care about looking my best all the time, about wearing makeup every single day, or styling my hair just right. There are other reasons for my confidence, of course.

Looks are so subjective, what is the point of insulting someone else's?

And not only that, why give any credence to people who don't like one's looks?

It has been suggested to me that I post photos because I am looking for "validation". Certainly there's a certain amount of enjoyment I get out of knowing that some people think I'm pretty. But see, I also know that some people do not, and that's fine with me. I'm not Catherine Zeta-Jones by any stretch of the imagination, and frankly, I don't particularly care about the opinion of people who can only appreciate "perfect" looks and not see the beauty in so-called "ordinary" people.

I post the photos because I like them, because people have requested them, and because I think the people whose subjective taste runs in my direction will also like them. Everyone else is unimportant, both online and off. Why spend time with people who don't think I'm "good enough" in some way, when there are so many people -- wonderful, special people -- who do?

So, TTT finally became available as a rental, and I finally got to see it.

I enjoyed it, although I think ... well, the first movie was magical because it set it all up for me and I got caught up in the world of Middle-Earth. This time around, I was already familiar with it, and focused more on the movie itself. Here's a few random, silly comments:

Me to Poindexter: "They're so fussy, the way they talk. Everything's 'The This of the That', or 'So-and-So, son of So-and-So'". After that, every time somebody said "The This of the That", Poindexter poked me.

P told me after he saw the movie last winter that Gollum was "great". I thought that was a weird way to describe a repulsive being, but he's right. Gollum was just awesome. So repulsive and pitiful at the same time. I think he's my favorite character. Which doesn't mean that I like him. It's very weird. Even his very repulsiveness is entertaining.

Why the hell couldn't Eowyn help fight at Helm's Deep? What kinda use was she, so skilled with a sword, cowering in the caves? For pete's sake.

I love the Ents. TOO COOL. I want to see this on my dad's surround system so I can feel the Ents talking.

WHY is Aragorn ALWAYS DIRTY and WET? Doesn't his hair ever dry? Or is that grease?

There is a lot of heavy breathing done by everyone in these movies. Something intense is always happening, leading the actors to pant a lot.

I got all misty during the "Samwise the Brave" conversation.

I was full of questions about Arwen. "So what if Aragorn dies eventually? Why would she be all alone? She can find someone else. Or she can go back to her people THEN. What is this all about?!" Poindexter had to explain to me that usually humans and elves don't mix, and that her people were going someplace inaccessible and burning the bridge behind them.

Eomer is pretty hot. We needed more Eomer.

My lands, the men DO spend a lot of time staring into each other's eyes in this movie. It's really quite comical. All the slash fic makes plenty of sense. And I started watching the movie assuming everyone was in love with everyone else, which meant that when Gimli said, "Don't tell the elf" about being tossed, I thought Gimli didn't want to appear silly in front of Leggy-Lass. Heh. Poindexter had to remind me about some scene in FOTR that I've completely forgotten.

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