Ramblings and Musings
from Evelynne

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Quick list:

Ottoman Empire
Sundry Mourning
Terry Lee

2000-07-25 - 11:13pm

On the soundtrack: Some catchy song with a Latin beat that was on the classic rock station tonight, and was played at J&R's wedding in NYC.

My stomach hurts. What's the deal?! I have to go to a party at the company president's (G's) house tonight, to celebrate the finish of a project, and I've got a stomachache. Great.

I'm currently spouseless. Poindexter is in Pascagoula all this week. That is, if he made it to Pascagoula. He called last night around 10:30 and had been stranded in Atlanta since about 2:30 that afternoon due to storms in the southeast. He was supposed to catch a flight at 10:45pm, but I haven't heard yet whether he caught the flight.

Poindexter is taping Hill Street Blues all week. He "hid" the VCR remote behind the TV so I couldn't mess with it. But last night while Mom and I were here alone, we had a blackout for no reason. Good thing his wife is so adept with technology and knows how to program the TV and the VCR all by her own self.

Amazingly enough, I slept pretty well without him. Probably because my mother kept me running around all day. She's a much busier person than I am. Packs a lot more into the day than I do. I like to do about one thing per day, tops. She likes to go from morning 'til dinnertime, and then she finally slows down. Why didn't I inherit some of this energy? I take after my father, who would nap three times a day if he could. Although when they travel he sure is peppy.

Mother and I were looking at plant catalogs this morning. I think I've decided to make myself a blue-and-purple garden. Maybe some white. It narrows down the choices somewhat, which makes it easier. I get all excited looking at all the colors. I'm probably going to find out that I can't cram all the stuff I want into the little 2-foot-deep strip I've got.

What the hell is happening to me? All I think about these days is food and flowers. At least I still do like cars and architecture too.


Party at G's house was okay. Some good linguine and tomato sauce. It was amusing how his wife would cut in and interrupt to keep him from rambling for too long. We got a ramble about geometry that I found pretty interesting (I'm such a math geek) and something about camping in the middle of Paris that I didn't quite catch. Ah well.

I heard a little about their daughter, who's around 8 months pregnant, but not as much as I'd have liked. They know which model of kid they've got, and have a name picked out, but they're keeping it a secret from everyone else.

Talked to the husband, finally. He got into the hotel at 1am and had to get up at 6. He has to get up at 5:30 tomorrow. Those stupid bastards. I will never understand why people have to do things early in the morning. We have a little something these days called ELECTRICITY, people! Early rising is a holdover from the days when you had to use every available second of sunlight! It isn't necessary anymore! There's nothing that can be done indoors for business at 6am that can't be done just as well at 10am! Christ!

One of the other people on the trip brought his wife, and the wife was utterly shocked to see Poindexter. She thought he was very young (he's 30, but could pass for mid-20s easily; me, I got carded buying him cigarettes when I was 27), definitely too young to be in the business he's in. Wacky.

We're having the coldest summer I can remember having in years. I have no complaints. The rest of the country is scorching, but we've got highs in the 70s this week. Unfknblvbl. I hate exercising when it's in the 90s and humid, so I don't mind this at all. I could use another mild winter too.

Speaking of exercise, I need some. Maybe tomorrow.

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