Ramblings and Musings
from Evelynne

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Quick list:

Ottoman Empire
Sundry Mourning
Terry Lee

2000-07-17 - 9:11 pm

On the soundtrack: Some Woodstock song by Joni Mitchell ("I'm going on down to Yasgur's farm/I'm gonna join in a rock n roll band/I'm gonna camp out on the land/I'm gonna try to get my soul free"). Before that it was the parody of "Those Were The Days" from The Simpsons ("For no reason here's Apuuuuu... Those were the days"). The soundtrack is nothing if not eclectic.

BTW, the journal's name, "Franks and Beans!", comes from "There's Something About Mary". I have a skater's helmet (like Tony Hawk wears, not a biker's helmet) that I wear when I go rollerblading. When Poindexter first saw me in it, "Franks and Beans!" was the first thing out of his mouth. So there you have it. He's got his own "Franks and Beans!" helmet now, too. He looks cute in it.

So, we had a lovely weekend. Poindexter had to work a while on Saturday, but we spent the rest of the time cooking, watching movies, and eating. That's always good. On Sunday there was a party for all the people who bought Craftstar houses in the development, and we were having a good time talking to people until the banjo/gold-clarinet?/tuba band came along and started playing so loud I couldn't hear anything. Ugh.


Lately it seems that I am having trouble thinking up things to talk to people about. I think being married to my best friend has made me lazy. I can talk to Poindexter about anything, at any time, or I can not talk at all if I don't have anything to say. With the outside world, I have to think stuff up that's an acceptable topic of conversation, and long silences aren't conducive to maintaining a dialogue.

I need some practice. I need a bigger repertoire of questions to ask people so I can keep them talking. It's easy when you first meet people: "Where are you from?" and "What do you do?" and "How did you two meet?" can last a while. With someone you know enough to know their job, general history, and hobbies, "What have you been up to lately?" and "How was your weekend?" is about the extent of it.

There are three million topics of conversation that I could bring up, but you don't know if the person's really up for it. I suppose I should start taking more chances. Or I could learn to pry better. Poindexter says I'm too polite and need to be more nosy.

Asked Poindexter the other night about his top five people to have sex with if he wasn't married. You'd think this would be an easy question (I can tell you mine right now: Ewan McGregor, Ewan McGregor, Ewan McGregor, Ewan McGregor, Johnny Depp), but Poindexter gets all worked up over conditions ("will they want to have sex with me?" and "okay, well, if skill enters into it I'd probably want a porn star" and "I won't get any diseases from this?").

He doesn't seem to get crushes the way I do on movie stars or hotel doormen (my only non-movie-star crush since we got married was Charles the Doorman, at the Waterfront Centre Hotel in Vancouver, BC). Finally I presented it as "Assume they want to have sex with you, and assume they're good." So he picked Heather Locklear right away (something about Heather and a skimpy tennis outfit on Dynasty), and with some difficulty chose Salma Hayek, two other women I can't remember, and Britney Spears, "just to bug" me.

Perhaps next time at a loss for something to talk about with someone, I'll ask who's on their top five list.


I have a headache, and simultaneously too many things to write about and none at all. Someday I'll figure how to resolve the latter problem.

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