Ramblings and Musings
from Evelynne

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Ottoman Empire
Sundry Mourning
Terry Lee

2004-02-24 - 12:03 p.m.

On the internal soundtrack: "Here Comes the Sun", Beatles

So, I'm going through the Christmas gifts, half of which are $1 joke gifts, and deciding which ones to keep or give away. I'm trying to de-clutter, you know, so I'm getting pretty ruthless with stuff these days. Even so, I still can't bring myself to get rid of many of them.

My MIL gave all her kids and their spouses (and my brother, even) these little packs of cards for Christmas. They are called "52 Romantic Adventures" or "52 Tokens of Affection". They're very cutely designed, and have cute ideas. A few of them are no-brainers (do your spouse's chores one morning so s/he can sleep in, leave little love notes, etc.) Some of them are more complicated. Here's one:

"Plant a tree through an urban reforestation project or in a nearby park, and dedicate it to your partner. Pack a picnic and head to the tree together to reveal your gift. It's a beautiful and satisfying metaphor for a growing relationship, and something others will get to appreciate, too."

(Yeah, and what happens if if the tree dies? Some metaphor.)

A lot of them are also suggestions for outings. Go on a hike. Go visit an art museum. Pretend you're at Sundance and go to a bunch of matinees.

You can imagine how well those ideas go over with Poindexter, my Shut-In.

Evelynne: I looked through the sets of cards "52 Romantic Adventures" and such.
Evelynne: I realized that you wouldn't want to do ANY of them so I'm giving them to [my cousin] Stacey.
Poindexter: I know.
Poindexter: I read them and was horrified.
Evelynne: LOL
Evelynne: A lot of them involve craftsy shit.
Evelynne: She loves that.
Poindexter: I said to mother, "this is a lot of work!"
Evelynne: LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I didn't see "organize the tupperware to save your spouse aggravation" listed on these cards. Hmph.

Speaking of organization. (Can you tell this is all I think about nowadays?) The reason I got organized was to save myself time, so I'd have more time to do fun things. What scares me is that organizing itself has become a "fun thing".

Right now it's a novelty, and since I've done the hardest part (de-cluttering and developing a system), I'm actually enjoying additionally little small organization projects. I enjoy putting things away in their proper places.

I'm a little worried that I'm going to get obsessive, to the point that it infringes on spontanaeity and relaxing. I'm trying not to get too crazy. I suppose I'll watch carefully, and when P starts complaining I'll know I've gone too far.

This weekend I really did want to take some time to just read and hang out, and I had to sort of schedule time to do that, because otherwise I'd be running around doing all the housework stuff I wanted to do. I went shopping on Saturday morning (four different stores, including two grocery stores) and was tired and cranky when I got back. I put all the perishables into the fridge, and then I left the rest (cans, pasta, boxes, etc.) in their bags on the kitchen floor. I have always done this. I put them away later when I'm less tired and less cranky. But this weekend, everytime I went into the kitchen I had a compulsion to put them away. I'm happy to say that I resisted it until Sunday afternoon. I read "InStyle" magazine and browsed some kitchen/bath magazines and chatted with Poindexter.

Sunday afternoon I got productive again and put the presents and ornaments away, helped Poindexter dismantle the tree, and put the decorations away. It was not depressing or annoying as I thought it was going to be. I had designated boxes for half the ornaments, which helped immensely. And I got to smile at every ornament and the memories behind it, just like I do when I put them ON the tree. And now our living room looks twice as big.

Gratuitous photo of the day (you sick of this dress yet?):

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