Ramblings and Musings
from Evelynne

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For short, random blurbs that don't merit a full entry, check my LiveJournal

Who Am I?
(now with photos)

Who's Who

Who I Read

If you see a dead picture link and REALLY want to see the picture, e-mail me and I'll e-mail it to you. I had to delete a bunch to save space.

Quick list:

Ottoman Empire
Sundry Mourning
Terry Lee

2003-07-15 - 11:58 a.m.

On the internal soundtrack: "Blueberries"

This is a composite entry of a bunch of LJ entries I made while on vacation.

Monday June 30

Kit was kind enough to summarize our weekend here and save me the trouble. I suck at recaps.

I got Kit to pick her favorite photos from the weekend BEFORE she left, so I don't have to upload 22 pictures only to actually use two, meaning that I am going to get them out in a timely manner. Yay.

This is the adorableness that is Kit, sitting in my dish chair. Notice how her nail polish coordinates with her BDUs:

Again, the adorableness that is Kit, sitting on the couch watching "Fellowship of the Ring". This is my favorite photo:

Here we are inspecting the dummy that Nikolai sent up (which P wants to name "Harriet"). We were amused that you can actually make the BOOBIES stick out more. Too cool:

And lastly two GIRLFRIENDS pictures.

Thurs July 3

So, here I am on vacation. Here are some vignettes, before I go sundress shopping:

In the airport, we were looking at the girlies walk by, as we are wont to do. I saw a really hot chick who also happened to be wearing glasses. She didn't look dorky at all. I've talked about my "issues" with my glasses before -- feeling dorky and icky in them. Poindexter, bless his perfect heart, thinks I am just as much of a hot chick with glasses on. This is hard for me to grasp, and I pointed out a woman who looked like I feel *I* look when I'm wearing my glasses. He looked at her, then looked at me in disgust, and said, "You are so far off ... you are just messed up and I'm not listening to you anymore about this." So I asked him, if he ever saw a girl with "my hotness level" who also wore glasses, to please point her out to me. Or, for that matter, to just point out any girl with "my hotness level" so I could understand how he sees me. I mean, I think I have nice sticky-outy parts but other than that I just feel like the bookworm dork that I am most of the time (not that there's anything wrong with that). He rolled his eyes and said that he would keep an eye out.

So then we're on the plane and he's leafing through the airline magazine, the part where they tell you what movies are playing on the longer flights, and there's an inch-square picture of Kate Winslet. And he points to it and says, "There you go." By then I've completely forgotten about my request, and I adore Kate Winslet, so I said, "What about her?" and he said, "There's your hotness level."

WOW. My husband thinks I'm as hot as Kate Winslet. WOW. I mean, it's not exactly a surprise -- he's always made it clear that he thinks I'm gorgeous, a "hot chick", perfect, etc. etc. -- but it's still interesting to see "me" through his eyes rather than my own.

I bet y'all think I'm just insane right about now. Never mind.


Last night we were sitting on the deck chatting with my SIL before bed. She said that on their anniversary, her husband dug up their wedding tape for them all to watch. Partway into the tape, the girls (my two nieces) gasped with shock and horror.

"Who's THAT?! Who's that GIRL with Uncle Dex?! That's not Aunt Evelynne, is it? It looks kinda like her, but she has blonde hair!"

Apparently they were just completely floored at the very idea of Uncle Dex being with anyone besides me (well as they should be). We started dating when the older niece was a year old, so neither of them has a recollection of life without me around. Their mom explained that this was Jennifer, the girl he dated before he met Aunt Evelynne. Too funny.


My younger niece and I were looking at pictures on my laptop. She was looking at photos of Poindexter I took awhile back the night before a haircut. She said, "Where is that? Is he in your house?" and I said, "Yeah, that's our bedroom." Then she wanted to know, "Do you have your own bedrooms?" (she shares a bedroom with her sister, so I guess this is an issue for her) and I said, "No, we share one like your mom & dad do."

Later, when I showed her a picture of Jessica and mentioned that she was going to have a baby in January: "Have you and Uncle Dex had a baby?" I looked at her and smiled. "If I had a baby, it would be here with us. Where did you think the baby would be?" And she said, "I don't know ... at home with ...[shrug]." Too funny. Later I relayed the story to SIL and MIL, and I added, "Gramma would have a FIT if I left the baby at home when I came to visit her."

Monday July 7

Today begins the second half of our vacation.

The nieces and SIL have gone to visit more relatives, so I expect this half to be slightly less entertaining with the girls gone, but on the upside it'll be more restful and free of conversations like this one:

[Aunt Evelynne is eating her lunch.]
Niece: Aunt Evelynne, can we play Fantan?
Evelynne: When I'm done eating, yeah.
[ten minutes pass; Evelynne now has two bites left on her plate]
Niece: Aunt Evelynne, are you done yet?

Seriously, we did have a lot of fun with the girls. Mainly because when we take them away from the grownups, we all four do bad things that we (me & Poindexter) never got to do as kids. Like go out to the arcade, then have ice cream at four o'clock, and then neglect to mention said ice cream to the parents so that we are sure to also get ice cream after dinner.

Speaking of ice cream after dinner, the Cutest Dog In The World always gets a little tiny spoonful of ice cream in her dish around 8pm. Last night we were a little late getting around to it, and Vixen apparently got impatient, and started dragging her dish out of the laundry area into the kitchen and looking expectantly at the MIL. "Excuse me, I believe it's time for ice cream?" Too funny.

Most of the visit was spent playing Fantan (a card game) and wrestling on the couch:

Although we did get dressed up once and take the 'rents out to dinner for their anniversary:

My MIL bought that dress for herself, but decided she didn't like the fit, so I am the beneficiary of her castoffs. Good deal! I love how it's got that gingham good-little-girl material and style but the fit is all Bad Girl. Poindexter likes it too, as you might imagine.

And now I have some "beach" reading ("couch reading", technically) and Poindexter/Vixen cuddling to do...

Tuesday July 8

OK, I found my old "Who's Who" entry, and will begin to use names now. My older niece Kelly is 8.5 years old, and my younger niece Christie is 6.5 years old. Vixen is the dog.

Christie is particularly enthralled with the dog, and is constantly picking her up and holding her. Vixen can put up with this for about thirty seconds before thrashing wildly to get away. And after a few times, Vixen won't even go near Christie and will run away when Christie reaches out for her.

At one point Vixen was relaxing on the couch with Kelly and Christie came over and said, "Can I hold her? Can I hold her?" I think a brief argument may have ensued, because Poindexter intervened by grabbing Christie and pulling her onto his lap and hugging her tightly and saying, "Can I hold her? Can I hold her?" and petting Christie's hair as though she were a dog. Christie laughed at first and then started thrashing her arms and legs trying to get away. I managed to snap a photo while she was being "petted":

This entire vacation travelogue is going to be about dogs and children, in case you haven't figured that out yet.

This morning at 10am, Poindexter and I had just woken up and I was laying on his side with my head on his shoulder, arm over his chest, trying to wake up some more. Suddenly the bed starts vibrating in an odd way -- remember without hearing aids or glasses I can't see or hear, so this was the first sensory input I was getting -- and the next thing you know a very squirmy, excited dog is jumping all over our heads and putting her cold nose in our faces. Apparently she had been sitting by our closed door and CRYING -- which MIL says she hasn't done since she was a puppy -- so MIL took pity on her and opened the door and let her in.

Thursday July 10

So, my MIL has some t-shirts and robes hanging in the guest room closet. And she has a housecoat kinda thing that Poindexter calls a "muu muu". I don't like robes because they keep gapping open, so yesterday morning I put on the muu muu because I didn't feel ready for clothes yet.

Poindexter was not pleased.

After a few snide comments about the muu muu, we settled down on the couch to read. With the dog, of course, who is ecstatically happy that there is ALWAYS someone around to snuggle up against. MIL came by, said, "The couch people are here!" and took a photo. It was morning and my hair was a mess and you know how I feel about the damn glasses. "The ugly couch people," I muttered.

Poindexter: Yeah, ugly because of the muu muu.
Evelynne: It's not the muu muu. It's--
Poindexter: Yes it is.
Evelynne: --the glasses.
Poindexter: It's the muu muu.
Evelynne: FINE! [stomps off to bedroom, returns wearing tight little white shorts and a non-baggy purple top] THERE! ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?!?!
Poindexter: [laughing] Mother says you yell a lot.
Poindexter: [feigning innocent look] I do not!
Evelynne: YES YOU DO! [huffs, sticks nose back into book]
Poindexter: [laughs some more]


I had all kinds of things that crossed my mind to journal about yesterday, and of course I can't remember any of them. I AM NEVER GOING TO REMEMBER THEM. I HAVE TO WRITE THEM DOWN. I hereby resolve to do so, dammit.

Today we are watching "Pumpkin" and then we are going to [gasp!] leave the house to go to the Home Depot Expo to get ideas on how to remodel the disaster that is our top floor bathroom. This is MIL's idea of a "fun outing" and I wholeheartedly agree. Daydreaming about house remodeling in air-conditioned comfort. Woo!

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