Ramblings and Musings
from Evelynne

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Quick list:

Ottoman Empire
Sundry Mourning
Terry Lee

2003-02-08 - 11:33 p.m.

On the internal soundtrack: "Yankee Doodle"

Kitiara commented yesterday that it's important to her that her partner be interested in who she is online. It makes sense to me that this would be something she'd want.

I, however, found my partner before I developed this whole online life, and I'm stuck with one who's not into the whole online journal/LJ community thing. At all. I know that Poindexter doesn't read my journal, and I understand his reasons for this. Sometimes I send him a link to an entry I particularly want him to read, and he does, and we talk about it. That seems to be enough for me. Here's the rest of my comment that I decided to save for this journal entry:


I still don't quite understand why P doesn't read my journal -- I'd read his more fanatically than anyone else's if he kept one -- but it's not precisely a disinterest. His reason for not reading the journal is -- and it's quite true -- that he's already heard it. There's very little that goes into it that I haven't already talked to him about that day, or that we haven't had a discussion about more than once in the past.

Honestly, I think he likes to have ME tell him about everything, rather than read it himself. He's like that about newspaper and magazine articles I'm reading, too. He likes the information filtered through me. He actually has a fairly clear idea of who everyone is on here and we often discuss the stuff I read in other people's journals (We will be discussing THIS in a few minutes. :).


Which we did:

Evelynne: Do you ever read my journal independently?
Poindexter: [looking sheepish] Um ... I don't think I know where it is.
Evelynne: [incredulous] You don't KNOW?!
Poindexter: Well, I know your name is Evelynne ... I'm not sure if I know how to spell that. I know there's a Y in it.
Evelynne: [jaw dropped, speechless]

So, I think I'm going to have to at least make him learn to spell "Evelynne", so that he can at least Google me. I do turn up rather quickly. (Oh, and this is just TOO ADORABLE -- Alvin and Evelynne. I am a complete sucker for cute wedding pages. That one is especially well done, too. I think Evelynne looks smashing with short hair, too.)


So, Poindexter said that he was proud of me -- he's always calling me "popular" and saying "you've got fans" when I tell him the nice things people say. And he says he thinks I have a "wonderful writing style". So he thinks the whole thing is great for me, but it's just not his thing. Partly because he's not a reader, like I am -- it's not his preferred method of communication. He really prefers to meet people face-to-face from the very beginning. I actually like the internet as a sort of filter, because it allows me to cut to the chase. There's less small talk. Assuming most people are honest, people are putting (at least parts of) their true selves on display, and I like it.

So, well, whatever. As long as he's willing to listen to me babble about everyone, I'm okay with it like this. He also will read and discuss with me any post or series of comments that I send his way, so that's good too. And he knows who almost everyone I talk to regularly is, and how they relate to each other. It's very similar to how I know the names and some gossip about everyone at his work, but I've never actually met any of them.

Plus, it's a lot easier to flirt with other men if I know Poindexter's not reading it. ;) Early on in our relationship, we talked about flirting with other people and whether it was appropriate. I couldn't care less if Poindexter flirts with women, even in front of me, but I feel horrendously guilty when I do it. He simply feels that as long as it's truly innocent flirting (not building up to something more), there's nothing wrong with it, and the only thing to do is not do it in front of the other person, which would be rude. So, good thing he doesn't see me calling all y'all cute all the time. ;)

Evelynne: I can't believe when we first met you didn't have any chest hair, and now look. I remember you running around in a flannel but no t-shirt ... Mmmmmm...
Poindexter: I did not!
Evelynne: You did too! There are pictures! Maybe you were too cold to wander around with your shirt off, so you compromised with the flannel. Walking around taunting 16-year-old me like that. Bastard.
Poindexter: You taunted me, too, prancing around in that bikini!
Evelynne: That was "BEGGING FOR IT", dear, not "taunting". There's a difference.

My poor brother took his leave of us on Thursday evening. He was heading up to NYC for a party his roommate was giving, and had to stop by Mom's for a day first.

He can't put any weight on his leg yet, and he went up five steep flights of stairs today. I can hardly wait to hear how it went. He thought it was going to take about fifteen minutes. His plan was to go up once today and down once tomorrow, and that was it.

I'd imagine he must miss New York a lot. He was REALLY happy to be here, in a place where he didn't have to ask someone with a car to drive him anyplace he wanted to go. And he said, when Dan woke up him up the day he left, "This has been the most relaxing and fun week I've had in a long time."

Speaking of Dan, he slept on that basement couch two more times, and he used the pillows and comforter that time. He slept twelve hours the one night! I said, "That's a long time to sleep on that narrow couch! How can you stand it?" And he said, "Oh, it's great -- it's so dark down there," with a smile so satisfied it made me laugh. Boys.

Mom said he talked about living here in Philly when he got tired of New York. That would be TOO FREAKIN COOL. He should be able to buy a nice loft or condo for a reasonable price. I'll keep my fingers crossed that he does that. Boston is also on his list, but that's far away. *sniffle*

Gratuitous photo of the day:

This is another EVIL-LYN photo from the COTD photo shoot. I couldn't get rid of the redeye with my stupid program without making my eyes look rather goth, but I thought the effect was kinda cool. I have never actually done my eyes like that. Perhaps I should give it a go sometime, before I really get too old for it.

Damn, I love those pants, even with the ridiculous flare that's more like a bell-bottom. I always swore as a kid that I would never wear bell bottoms because they were just SO stupid and SO gross, and now look. I freakin LOVE THOSE PANTS. Never say never where fashion is concerned, I guess.

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