Ramblings and Musings
from Evelynne

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(now with photos)

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If you see a dead picture link and REALLY want to see the picture, e-mail me and I'll e-mail it to you. I had to delete a bunch to save space.

Quick list:

Ottoman Empire
Sundry Mourning
Terry Lee

2000-09-15 - 12:29pm

On the internal soundtrack: "Something". The Beatles.

Ugh. I'm tired. I woke up at 6:30 when Poindexter got up, and I was hungry. Had to eat something. Went back to sleep. But when I do that after eating, I'm groggy when I get up. So I feel crappy. This is bad. I promised some newbies I'd greet them at the skate tonight. Perhaps I'll also volunteer to sweep, so I have an excuse to skate slowly.

My mother and brother, who can go all day without eating (!) do not understand that when I'm hungry, I AM HUNGRY. It's not "oh gee, I could eat something", it's "GET SOME FOOD INTO ME RIGHT NOW OR I AM GOING TO EITHER FAINT OR GO ON A KILLING SPREE."

When my blood sugar drops because I'm hungry, it's unpleasant. Increased heart rate, irritability (if I'm being cranky, feed me immediately), shaking, lightheadedness. I don't know that I'm clinically hypoglycemic, but since I started eating more fruits and vegetables and fewer McDonald's All American Cheeseburger Meals, I have to watch the blood sugar levels. Gotta eat every 2 hours or so. It's pretty annoying. I think I have to make a point of eating something with lots of fat and protein a couple hours before I go to sleep. Tortilla chips and cheddar cheese! Yeah!

So. Poindexter's dad & stepmom left today. They dropped in for a few days on their way home to Iowa after visiting their future retirement property in Georgia. We had a nice relaxing visit, as we always do with them. I could be roommates with these people, because we're all the sit-around-and-read type.

They brought the doggie with them. She had to stay in the garage, but seemed pretty good-natured about it. We took her out for a walk twice each evening, out around the lake so she could run around leashless (shh!) and sniff stuff. She's a good dog. No barking, comes when you call her. Very easygoing. I'm sure she'll be happy to go home, though, and run around in her big yard again.

I did get those pictures up on the wall. I'm very pleased. They look nice. And speaking of pictures, Dad and S'mom gave us a present: a very, very cool sage/khaki/gold painting of leaves. Hard to describe (it's somewhat abstract), but I'm crazy about it.

So, I am happy. Awhile back, my cousin R was married to a woman named ... hm, nickname time ... Isabelle. Isabelle and I hit it off right away. I really liked her a lot. Well, I started doing the bicoastal thing and didn't get to see them much, and just after we moved back east, she and my cousin ended up divorcing. I was sad. I put her on my wedding shower invite list, but she didn't RSVP or show up. So I wondered if she didn't want to have anything to do with R's family anymore.

Well, I finally got Isabelle's email address from cousin R, and decided to write and see how she's doing. Turns out she was happy to hear from me after all. I'm very relieved. Apparently she thought we didn't want to have anything to do with her anymore.

Divorces are such a sad thing. So much pain and awkwardness. So I'm very, very glad to be back in touch with Isabelle again.

We have a new chick here at the office (the spoons girl), who eats white bread, square orange American cheese slices, yellow mustard, and some kind of cold cut for lunch every day. Nothing green in sight. What I would call "plastic food" and try to avoid. The VP eats this way too, and when we three crunchy granola girls (we eat whole-grain bread, lots of vegetables and fruit) make fun of her, the VP defends her. He says "It was considered a great advancement when we were able to mill grain and no longer had to have bread with chunks in it."

I was going somewhere with this story, but I've completely forgotten where it was. Are you a Wonderbread or Bran'nola type, yourself?

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