Ramblings and Musings
from Evelynne

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Ottoman Empire
Sundry Mourning
Terry Lee

2000-06-26 - 21:31:51

OK, OK, I thought of something. As I may have mentioned, I've been wanting to do this online journal thing for a while. I wrote a couple of journal entries that I never posted anywhere, to sort of try it out. Here's one of them, from February 2000.



I am on an Amtrak train on my way to NJ for Uncle (Grand-Uncle?) H's ... it's not a funeral, it's a graveside service. I'm kind of in denial about this. I just saw him a month ago, and it seems impossible that he's suddenly gone. I want to go up there so I can be there for Aunt A, whatever small comfort that might be.

This is just the most horrible coincidence that A and Pop-Pop should lose their spouses within a year of each other. And if they've got their mother's genes, they're both going to be around for quite a while, spouseless. I wonder if they will be a comfort to each other? It seems to me that if you lose someone you've been with for 60+ years, there's no such thing as "comfort". It's like putting a band-aid on a body that's riddled with bullets.

When people die, more than anything I just get pissed.

When Poindexter and I got to the gate, I didn't realize that it was 10 minutes 'til boarding. He went off to get me water. Well, then the last call for boarding comes and I have to run off. I asked the official if he'd tell Poindexter I had to ditch him, but I won't find out 'til I get to NJ if he got the message or not. I had to bring his gloves with me. So Poindexter got back to find a missing wife and missing gloves. I hope he's not too crushed.

There is a little boy diagonally across the aisle who seems to be an incredibly curious kid. Asking lots of questions and commenting on things. We stopped at BWI, and as the train started up again he began bobbing up and down in a very graceful, rhythmic way in time to the wheels moving. He kept bobbing gradually faster and faster until he couldn't keep up anymore.

I like trains.

We are going over the Susquehanna River, on the trestle I was stuck on last Saturday. You can't see the tracks so it feels like you're just flying low over the water. Freaky.


So there you go.

Poindexter and I have a running joke about hookers, or escorts. Whenever I leave him alone for the evening, I tell him "No hookers". When I call to tell him I'm on my way home, he says, "I'll send the hookers home right away." In reality the only hookers in his life are in his computer game, some post-apocalyptic world thing. Not that I have anything against hookers per se. In fact, I think prostitution should be legal, but that's another story.

One time he dropped me off at the train station for Easter weekend, which is when our hookers have great Easter rates since everyone's in church and they can't drum up much business except from folks of the non-Christian persuasion. I kissed him goodbye and said, "NO ESCORTS!" a little too loudly. Some girl behind me in line could NOT STOP STARING at me after I said that. She'd be droning on and on to her boyfriend next to her without taking her eyes off me. What did she think, that I was *serious*?

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