Ramblings and Musings
from Evelynne

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Quick list:

Ottoman Empire
Sundry Mourning
Terry Lee

2002-03-12 - 1:48 p.m.

On the internal soundtrack: "Wish", Nine Inch Nails. Because it's playing on the television. Poindexter's ROCKIN'.

Longtime readers of this journal know that Poindexter and I are homebodies, and find each other so vastly entertaining that we don't tend to seek entertainment elsewhere very often. I go out more than he does, but that's not saying much. Other people get very annoyed with us about this.

So it was hysterically funny to me the other night when Poindexter broached our before-bed conversation with:

"So, how long d'ya think it'll be before Stacey and Brent start yelling at us for not visiting them enough?"

I laughed for a good 30 seconds, then tried to answer the question seriously. Not long, I'd imagine. The one thing that might postpone it some is that they're both very extroverted and are very busy, so they might not be able to squeeze us into their schedule very often, anyway. By the time they have room for us in their schedule, we'll be ready to venture out from our little cocoon.

We'll have to see. After all this moving stuff, he and I want nothing more than to curl up in our studio and nest, with the occasional trip outside for food and exercise. We've already set aside the weekend after our move as a "just us" weekend, even though my parents are clamoring for a visit.

My mother asked me when we'd be coming up for dinner, and after a thoughtful pause, I said, "April."

It's true, though. After our "just us" weekend, we have to come back here and finish putting things into storage and bring the motorcycles and Volkswagen up. Weekend after that is Easter. We'll join the family for that, and it'll almost be April then.

(Where the hell did winter go?! I didn't HAVE a winter. Between the mild weather and our two-week trip out west, plus Christmas in Florida, winter just didn't happen for me this year. Not that I'm complaining!)

Man, I keep forgetting to discuss my adventures at my cousin's house two weekends ago.

As I may have mentioned, Poindexter and I have this little rule, like a mantra, "no kids, no pets, no plants". The "no plants" rule means "no houseplants", because we would forget to water them and die. Garden plants can usually survive for two weeks unless there's a drought.

Anyway, I've cheated a little on the "no plants" rule with a couple of houseplants my globetrotting neighbor gave me -- an African violet and bamboo -- plus some little cactuses I fell in love with. See, we can go on vacation and we don't need a neighbor to water these plants. But we've stuck to the "no kids, no pets" part.

So, our weekend at my cousin's house has convinced me that no matter HOW CUTE kitties are, and HOW CUTE the little Maltese puppy across the street is, I can't deal with pets. Because they disrupt my sleep, much as children would, and we can't have that. So I shall have to love cats, dogs, and children from afar.

Stacey has two cats, and those cats just LOVED Poindexter. They wanted to get into Kelsey's room, where we were sleeping, so first they were scratching on the door trying to get in. I can't hear this, of course, but Poindexter could, so he opened up the door to let them in.

That would have worked, except they wouldn't leave Poindexter alone. They would come up to him and sniff at his face. I, for some reason, was of no interest to them. But every time I'd drop off to sleep, I'd be rudely awakened by my husband pushing a cat off his face.

So, I didn't sleep too well. And you know how I am about my sleep.

Then, the next morning, I went downstairs to discover that the dog had eaten my best pair of walking boots.

Brent was mortified, and apologized several times, but I just had to laugh. I was dumb enough to leave the boots downstairs. I had brought another pair of boots (my brown ones) that I made sure to put out of the dog's reach. So why did I forget the black ones? I don't know. Happily, they were also my cheapest pair of boots. If they'd been the $200 pair I fretted over buying, I would never have forgiven myself.

The packing is progressing. We're taking stuff up to the studio on Thursday. I can't think about it much or I'll just freak out.

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