Ramblings and Musings
from Evelynne

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Ottoman Empire
Sundry Mourning
Terry Lee

2001-07-11 - 10:02 p.m.

On the internal soundtrack: "Yakety Yak".

Ah-nold was singing it in "Twins" on TV the other day, so I sang it to Poindexter for a while. Then just tonight I asked him what he had been doing when he disappeared downstairs, and he gave me a saucy look and said, "Taking out the papers and the trash."

Coupla pictures of my hair, squiggly and non-squiggly, are up in my LiveJournal if you're interested. Kevin (check out his gorgeous site redesign!) had asked to see what my squiggly hair looked like, and I finally got pictures developed and scanned today.

Drat, it's 9:30 already. No vacation entry tonight. I had a busy day today. My boss has me doing some stuff that is, as usual, already overdue. It would make me crazy except that I love trying to make order out of his chaos, and I love doing the work itself. It's very mathemetical. I love math.

Awhile back, there was a mathematical problem in "Ask Marilyn" and Poindexter and I spent some time working on it. On a Saturday night. Two nerds in a pod. We used algebra. Algebra is fun. The algebra was very complicated, and we made a few small typos that made it take longer than it should have. Marilyn had a common sense way to get the answer that neither one of us understood.

I remember back when I was 18 or so, I found out that Poindexter was thinking about majoring in math. I got all excited, you know, something in common! One more item on the list of why he's perfect for me.

I was telling Callie today that I want him to quit his job and become a househusband. That way he could grow his hair long. I could come home from work and he'd be sitting on the couch watching hockey, with long hair, and I could attack him. He'd be very good at the househusband thing, except I'd probably still have to do my chores (washing dishes, managing papers/bills, running errands, shopping) because he hates them so much. But, jeez, for a long-haired husband and homecooked meals every night? It'd be worth it.

We recently discovered that we could rent out our house for an obscene amount of money, half again what we pay in mortgage and taxes. Poindexter can't stop thinking about it. We had this goofy conversation tonight:

Poindexter: Man, half again the mortgage. The more days I spend at work, the more I want to quit my job and find another one.
Evie: What, like, move to Philly now?
Poindexter: Yeah. Or anywhere, for that matter! We could move to West Virginia, even! Although that wouldn't be practical.
Evie: Well, start looking!
Poindexter: I didn't say I was ready, I said I was starting to think about being ready.
Evie: You don't have to quit your job! You can just look!
Poindexter: Didn't I already do that? We spent an evening looking.
Evie: That was half an hour! A month ago!
Poindexter: Really? It felt like an entire evening.
Evie: [Eye roll] Well, just quit your job and stay home and watch hockey, then. And grow your hair.
Poindexter: Y'know, I was opening my Coke bottle today and it said, "You could win a million dollars." I was looking at that and thought to myself, if I won a million dollars, that would be my income. I could work part time, y'know, doing anything, anything I wanted.
Evie: But we didn't win?
Poindexter: No. But! [dramatic pause] They did ... ask us ... to try again.

We went for a walk in the big park tonight. The weather is fucking GORGEOUS! Usually we only get weather like this once a summer, and now it seems to happen every couple of weeks! Global warming, my ass. No wonder they have to call it "global climate change" now. It's getting colder in the DC area.

On our way out the door, we saw a group of women and children playing wiffle ball in the pocket park across the street. The big park was PACKED with people, including a group of kids with Downs, along with the usual bunch of people with dogs.

Two kids went past us on scooters, and the one smaller kid yelled as he passed -- get this -- "Excuse me, pardon me". I burst out laughing. Even I'm not that polite, usually just saying "on your left" when I pass people on skates. I said, "Who taught him that? Or do you think he thought it up himself?" Poindexter said, "Bugs Bunny." Supposedly there's some cartoon where Bugs is picking his way through a theater saying "Excuse me, pardon me, pardon me, excuse me."

I also saw, from a distance, teeny tiny baby ducks. I have to go back tomorrow and see if I can find them up close. Isn't it late in the season for babies?

Speaking of ducks, there are these incredibly stupid long-winded signs in the park warning you not to feed the geese and ducks. They read like a children's book, telling you that it makes them dependent and they don't get the proper nutrients, blah blah blah. It ends with "Please help us to yadda yadda yadda". It's like an adult reasoning with a toddler instead of saying "Don't do that!"

Tonight, there was someone standing right in front of a sign, feeding the ducks. Gotta love it.

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