Ramblings and Musings
from Evelynne

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If you see a dead picture link and REALLY want to see the picture, e-mail me and I'll e-mail it to you. I had to delete a bunch to save space.

Quick list:

Ottoman Empire
Sundry Mourning
Terry Lee

2001-05-14 - 1:48 p.m.

On the internal soundtrack: Madonna's "Crazy For You"

So, I wanted to start putting my baby basil plants outside so they get more sunlight. And I wanted to put them on the south-facing side of the house. I put them on the third step up, which is nowhere near the garbage can (Monday is also garbage day).

Then I starting having panicky thoughts.

What if it wasn't the garbagemen? What if it was planter thieves? What if the UPS man or a flyer hander-outer comes by and knocks over the basil plants and they die before I can rescue them?

This is going to develop into a full-fledged disorder of some kind if I don't watch it.

On a happier note, here is the only allium (of five bulbs) that managed to bloom this year. Two bulbs sprouted leaves but no flowers, and two bulbs did nothing. Maybe the winter was too cold, or I didn't water them enough? Anyway:

It's supposed to be "persian blue allium", but it doesn't look even remotely that shade of blue to me -- looks reddish-purple, like a regular allium. Maybe I need to talk to the bulb people and find out what's up with that.

By the way, thanks to Angel and Pischina for the kind comments about my caterpillar entry and the referrals sent my way. I'm very glad that some good came out of the whole gardening disaster, although I sincerely hope I won't be providing you with too many more amusements of that particular type.

More picture fun. On my way back from the skate yesterday, I took some "stick the camera out the window and see what kind of pictures you get" pictures. Here they are, in all their blurry glory:

Constitution Avenue, facing west:

The Mall is on the left. Notice the beautiful tree-lined street. Notice also that the traffic lights are on either side of the street (not overhead). It adds to the beauty of the downtown, I suppose. It also means I've slammed on my brakes in a panic a few more times than I'd like to admit becuase I didn't really notice the red light.

The Lincoln Memorial, northern side, from 23rd Street, I think:

Notice the beautiful blue sky. Notice the marbled majesty of the Memorial. Notice the dumbass driver driving with left tires on the yellow line and braking for no discernable reason. Welcome to DC!

This is a useless blurry shot from Memorial Bridge (I was hoping for Potomac river views but the camera is too low):

I like this picture anyway because you can see the Lincoln Memorial in the side mirror.

Y'know what's freaky? Every now and then, something crosses the sun (a bird, I guess), and the whole living/dining room (with 5 floor-to-ceiling windows in it, remember) goes darker for a split second. I know it's perfectly logical, but it seems really weird to me that that a bird flying by could block light in the entire room.

I have an entry about reading brewing. Perhaps tomorrow. Alicia and Mike and the kiddies are coming to visit Wednesday through Friday. Should be great fun!!

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