Ramblings and Musings
from Evelynne

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Who Am I?
(now with photos)

Who's Who

Who I Read

If you see a dead picture link and REALLY want to see the picture, e-mail me and I'll e-mail it to you. I had to delete a bunch to save space.

Quick list:

Ottoman Empire
Sundry Mourning
Terry Lee

2001-01-10 - 986032549

Who's Who Cheat Sheet

Who I Read

On the internal soundtrack: "Here Comes the Sun", Beatles.

Ugh. I am not having a productive day at all. I'm avoiding some work I don't want to do, which has to be done by tomorrow, so all I'm doing is extending my workday 'til 9pm tonight. Well, at least I'm having fun while I'm doing it. The Web is really a dangerous thing for a reading addict. It's not the Web itself I'm addicted to so much as the reading.

Over the weekend we went to NJ for Pop-Pop's 91st birthday. Because of the snow and me feeling crappy, we went up Saturday morning and left Sunday. Pop-Pop was feeling really good, and looked good, which was just so incredibly nice to see. He was almost back to his old self. He was chatting a lot, especially with my brother about New York, and was very impressed with Poindexter's work at the stove (he had requested cajun chicken for dinner).

We gave him a small collage frame with family pictures in it, to brighten up his room a bit. He seemed to like it. There's a picture of me dancing with him at Aunt Marianne's wedding when I was about ten, plus a picture from one of the boat rides we took when my brother and I were visiting when we were teenagers. We would and wave at people on the shore and in other boats the whole time and it was a hoot.

Did I mention how much fun we used to have when we spent a few days with them every summer? Before my brother hit teenagerhood he used to get up with Pop-Pop and go out for breakfast before 7am and make fun of me because I couldn't drag myself out of bed. In the daytime we'd go on the little cruise or to the boardwalk. Then we played cards all evening.

My mother has said that we're really lucky to have grandparents who we could be friends with -- she never got to know her grandparents that way. I've never taken it for granted, and have always really enjoyed the time I spent with them. It helps that my brother and I take after them on an intellectual and philosophical level -- they were always interested in reading and learning , much as we are. My relationship with my other grandmother never really got to that point, because she was fading mentally by the time I was really old enough.

Anyway, back to the present. Apparently the 93-year-old woman at the rehab place had a birthday, and a large group of family members came by to celebrate. Pop-Pop happened by the party and got dragged in, and they made him sit next to her and he ended up in a lot of pictures. I hope I get to see those.

Myself, I stood in front of the 55" HDTV for almost five solid minutes with my jaw to the floor. The clarity is pretty impressive. You can see individual leaves on the trees and lines on people's faces. I'd like to see stuff like the Rose Parade on one of those things. Or any movie where Ewan McGregor takes his clothes off, heh, which is actually probably half of them, bless his heart.

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