Ramblings and Musings
from Evelynne

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If you see a dead picture link and REALLY want to see the picture, e-mail me and I'll e-mail it to you. I had to delete a bunch to save space.

Quick list:

Ottoman Empire
Sundry Mourning
Terry Lee

2006-01-20 - 4:18 p.m.


I'm making myself update real quick. I'm really haven't been in an LJ mood for a while.

- Health update: The short version is that it's better than it was, I'm eating normally again, and I'm off all medications that I was trying out, but the feeling of pressure in my abdomen has not gone away. I have three more doctor's appointments scheduled for this month -- internist, GI specialist, and gyn. FUN! But I don't want to talk about it right now, so please don't comment on this paragraph. When I am better I will probably detail everything that happened but I worry too much to dwell on it while it's happening

- Christmas was loads of family fun. Lots of laughing. Favorite gifts: Brown tweed bag from my extended-family Pollyanna (something I would've picked out myself), "Wonder Woman" Season One from my brother, and a framed photograph (taken by my dad) of a red barn in a little dale in Idaho. Poindexter and I don't exchange gifts, but I did get him a little Saturday present before Christmas, which he LOVED.

- I've seen seven episodes of Firely and I am NUTS about this show. I love everyone on it. Especially Kaylee. Is there any woman on this planet who's as cute as Kaylee?! OMG. I discovered the Firefly Wiki that tells me what all the Chinese phrases are in every episode! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I can't decide if I want to try to drag this out a bit or just gobble up the episodes. I'm probably going to gobble. So far my favorite episode is probably "Our Mrs. Reynolds".

- The maydia room and guest room switch is pretty well set up now. Poindexter is awesome. My brother stayed in the "new" guest room last night, a mere two days after we actually made the bed in there.

- Thank GOD it finally warmed up. That helped a lot. The combination of the cold weather, dark days, and feeling physically crappy all the time was making every day just something to get through until I could go to sleep and block it all out. Fortunately we are escaping to Florida for quick visit this month and possibly again in February when Poindexter's sister and our nieces fly out. I hope.

- The Mummers parade is an endless source of amusement to me. We leave it on all day and make merciless fun of all the drunken Comic brigades stepping on their own children as they dance around uncoordinatedly. Poindexter hates the Mummers and calls the parade "an embarrassment", and I can't really disagree, but I'm too entertained to care. I think it's only the Comics who are really awful.

- I have been catching cabs for almost four years now but I still feel like a complete moron flagging one down.


I just almost accidentally deleted an e-mail from LJer tkil pointing me to this fascinating article about programming cochlear implants to hear music better and it was the kick in the pants I needed to get this going.

If we've exchanged more than one e-mail in the past, I probably have your e-mail address whitelisted. But occasionally people e-mail me out of the blue and I'm afraid of missing those e-mails. If you've written me and I didn't write back, that may have been the reason. Sheer forgetfulness may also have been the reason, but just to be certain in the future I'm going to create a single, simple filter that should be easy for y'all to remember.

If you e-mail me, either drop me a comment (anywhere is fine) OR just put the word "tweed" (quotes optional) in the subject header somewhere. Off to the side of the real subject should work, if you're fussy about descriptive subject headers, or it can be the entire subject.

Now I have to figure out where to put this in my userinfo.


People were apparently starting to worry about me, so I just wanted to drop a quick note and let y'all know I am fine. I didn't realize it had been THAT long since I posted. I've been visiting with my in-laws and my butt has only left the couch to get another plate of food or get a new book to read. It's been a lovely week.

Before I left I had an endoscopy and they found what is probably the (pretty much harmless) reason for my difficulty eating and discomforts so that was a load off my mind. More details after I have a follow-up with the doctor.

And yes, I did a little shopping, and I bought another pair of tweed pants. Of course. Pictures after I get them hemmed.

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