Ramblings and Musings
from Evelynne

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Ottoman Empire
Sundry Mourning
Terry Lee

2004-10-26 - 1:37 p.m.

On the internal soundtrack: "I Wanna Be Sedated"

So, Camille visited this weekend, a little getaway before winter sets in. It gave me the opportunity to ply her with some more probably-unnecessary "isn't Philadelphia wonderful" propaganda so I can get her to move here and go shopping with me at every possible opportunity. She was kind enough to listen to me nattering on about clothes for half the weekend and had some fascinating clothes commentary of her own for me to listen to. :)

We also got to see the jetsetting Peter and his lovely wife for a bit. Peter was also able to join us for ice cream (like Blizzards, but better) and people-watching in the park. Camille got the pumpkin pie mix (vanilla ice cream, pumpkin, nutmeg, cinnamon, and graham crackers), and Peter got creme brulee (I don't remember how they did it, but it actually had that burnt sugar taste). I got peanut butter and raspberries again, and threw in some almonds for crunch. We sat on a bench and people-watched and dog-watched for over an hour. And pointed out any TWEED! that passed by, of course.

The night before Camille went home, I finally remembered to have a picture taken of the two of us together. We were both uninterested in posing, so Poindexter finally said, "Let's get an action shot of the two of you." It was a brilliant idea --

"Hey, let's read!"

:) :)

Today I wore my circle skirt, since it was SUPPOSED to be warm and sunny, but the nice weather bailed on me and I was stuck with cloudy cool weather.

I was trying to get a picture that captured the motion of the skirt, but all I got was a black blur. Still, here it is:

That's my grandmother's brooch. You've seen the skirt and shoes before. Shirt is from Petite Sophisticate, imitation crocodile belt from Strawbridge's with my extra 20% off coupon. Whee!!

Here's the outfit with boots and a chihuahua stare, which for some reason I like:

When I was changing shoes (the boot pics actually come first, since I was wearing them on the walk to meet Poindexter after work), Poindexter continued to take pictures. He is a nut:

That is Britney Spears's butt behind my head in the picture. Such a lovely butt she has.

Since Poindexter is so fond of the bent-over pictures, I posed for him back in the hallway. I like how my hair looks (I did it up '80s-style in the hot rollers again):

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