Ramblings and Musings
from Evelynne

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Ottoman Empire
Sundry Mourning
Terry Lee

2004-10-13 - 1:29 p.m.

On the internal soundtrack: "On the Way to Cape May"


So, we had another day of fall weather and I wore another fall outfit. Casual this time.

(I am not cut out to be a camwhore. I feel obligated to say, for the bajillionth time, that I don't think I'm The Hottest Chick On Earth by any means -- except perhaps to my husband -- and I am certainly no fashion expert; I am just excited about my new stuff and want to show you my TWEED!)

I took a couple pictures of myself this afternoon when making my decision to cut the tags off this jacket. I got it primarily to wear as a casual jacket with jeans, as shown here, but it works with my plum pants as a work outfit, too. Poindexter makes fun of me for "playing with my clothes", as he puts it when I try different combinations, and he makes fun of me for not taking the tags off until I actually wear it. I do this because I want to make sure I am in love, and as I wait for the initial infatuation to wear off, my miserly side likes having the option to return it. Once I wear it for longer than a two-minute personal runway show, the tags come off.

Poindexter thought I looked too grim in the mirror pictures I took, so he insisted that he take some of me. He calls this his "art". I thought I was pesky asking him to take pics of me all the time, but now I'm thinking he actually enjoys it. He also took a "Sexy Beast" shot of me (like the freeze frame in the opening titles) when I was changing pants and was quite pleased with his timing. He is awful. No, I'm not posting that.

So, I am wearing dark blue jeans (Victoria's Secret) and a plum tank top (H&M). The jacket is from Lord & Taylor. Necklace was a gift from my brother- and sister-in-law. Brown boots from Nordstrom a few years ago.

I am still working on finding my pose. The largest one is my favorite of the three, as you might guess.


Tuning in briefly to whine that my week is not going well and I'm a bit distracted.

I spilled water on my work laptop on Saturday, and now it won't turn on. This is the wimpiest laptop I've ever had. I've spilled MILK on other laptops and had them recover with no problems, but this one gets a little water on it and DIES. DHL was supposed to deliver a box for me to send it to Dell in, and of course the DHL box has not arrived yet. Data issues are minimal (I had good work backups and my hard drive didn't get wet anyhow, so I just NEED A COMPUTER THAT WORKS), but trying to adjust to another computer always frustrates the hell out of me. I'm uncomfortable and awkward. My laptop is like an extension of my own hands and Poindexter's desktop ... isn't.

We are having a time trying to find ourselves a Phoenix-area vacation home rental for the family. It's internet work, and Poindexter and I are the only truly internet-literate people in the family (give the nieces a few years...), and it's frustrating trying to keep track of all the important details (pets, availability, enough beds for the varying couples/kids, price, location). But yes, Arizona people, this means I'll be able to get together for an afternoon or evening in early 2005. Family takes priority, but I told P I was going to budget some time to see y'all.

Victoria's Secret changed the design of their Sexy jeans, and what was once a PERFECT FIT now is now gapping at the waist. FUCKERS. I hate belts, and I HATE JEANS SHOPPING.

On the positive side, I had a nice weekend with Poindexter and I am really kicking ass with the dirt-biking. I get better every week. I seem to have figured out how to safely (and slowly!) handle most terrain that I encounter, which means I'm less fearful and having even more fun. I'm really looking forward to West Virginia.


I wore my olive tweed pants today! And then I copied a pose out of Victoria's Secret and it worked! And then Poindexter made me freeze as I was turning and snapped another pose and that worked too!

These are my tweed pants from Petite Sophisticate. I am absolutely INSANE for these pants. They're probably my favorite item that I've purchased this fall. PS also makes a skirt and jacket in this fabric, and I love this particular tweed so much that, at Poindexter's insistence, I bought them all. Skirtsuit pics at a later date.

So: Sweater from Strawbridge's. Same watch as before. Payless boots from last winter. Earrings and bracelet discussed below.

I'm having lighting issues. I need to figure out how to deal with that. You can't see the tweed very well in the larger photos, so here's a closeup that shows it a little better:

This first picture is me imitating this pose from Victoria's Secret. (I love those pants, btw. Love love love. I won't order them because I'm still pissed at VS for changing my jeans and because I have a similar pair from Petite Sophisticate, so nyah.) I didn't nail the pose exactly but it turned out well, I thought.

I did my hair in hot rollers today. That was fun, if a bit '80s. I think I'm going to cut some shorter layers in it so it looks more like the hair in the VS link above.

Then I turned toward Poindexter and was straightening my sweater and he said "FREEZE! Don't move!" This was the result:

Then he said, "Good girl! You didn't move!" which made me laugh:

You can't see the bracelet or earrings in the picture, but I'm all excited about them so I took a picture:

The bracelet was my grandmother's. I love wearing her things. I like thinking of her while I wear it, and I like knowing that she would have enjoyed seeing me wear it. The ivory flowers and green leaves coordinated perfectly with the outfit. The earrings I already had, and cost me $5 at a craft show I went to.

One thing I've noticed in my Great Fall Shopping Spree of 2004 is that although I am enjoying the more expensive items I purchased, I'm getting just as much pleasure from things that cost me next to nothing or that were given to me by loved ones. And it's really neat to be able to pull them all together and create a look that I like.

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