Ramblings and Musings
from Evelynne

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Quick list:

Ottoman Empire
Sundry Mourning
Terry Lee

2003-06-02 - 1:39 p.m.

On the internal soundtrack: "I Lost On Jeopardy", Weird Al Yankovic

I am a stinky poodle head!

Got my hair permed again, for the first time in a year. I am SO HAPPY. It's expensive having all this work done on my hair (the visit cost me $166), so I try to put it off, but I am so much happier when I have more lift at the roots. Even though I stink, from the chemicals. It takes a couple weeks before that'll disappear. Poindexter is addressing me as "Smelly" this weekend, instead of the usual "Gorgeous girl"

TMI ALERT (Too Much Information)

Something about sitting in a chair all afternoon without eating gave me horrible, horrible gas pains when I left the salon.


Good lord. My stomach hurt SO MUCH. I was walking down the street to catch the bus afterwards and I couldn't stand up straight. Poindexter said I looked like I'd been punched in the stomach. We had to catch a cab instead. Then we got home and I lay down and found a near-fetal position where it didn't hurt, and nearly cried with relief. Poindexter came by to check on me and said, "Hey Smelly." Then "How's your belly?" And then, with a delighted grin, "How's your belly, Smelly?"

So, y'all may recall that I had a nice little wrought-iron-looking planter on my front porch.

Not anymore. Some asshole made off with it last Thursday, in broad daylight. I was so pissed. If I'd caught them in the act, I would have screamed at them from an upper window. That just ain't right.

I might've been more pissed if I hadn't been half-expecting it. When Renee was here, we ran into one of my neighbors, who said, "That plant on your front porch is so pretty -- I'm surprised it hasn't been stolen." Apparently she had a 100-pound planter stolen off her front porch years ago. Once I heard that, I put the fuchsia in the backyard and put those two little pots with the purple flowers on top of the planter while I tried to decide what to do with the front porch. Since the theft, the answer's gonna be "nothing" for a while. I am a leeeeetle too attached to all my plants and can't bear to part with ANY of them, and I also hate to part with pots, even the ones that I got for free.

I mentioned it to my mother this morning, and she said, "Somebody stole my Halloween-theme decorative broom off the front door once." A neighbor said she'd heard someone on another street had their flowers stolen.

WHAT THE HELL IS *WRONG* WITH THESE PEOPLE!?!??! HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN!?!? Do they walk by and think, "Gee, that's pretty, I guess I'll just take that home with me?!" What the *FUCK*!?! I mean, it's not like it's worth a lot of money. My plant stand was only $10 at Target. But it's the principle of the thing. It's MY FUCKING STUFF, AND YOU DON'T FUCKING TAKE IT!! The thing that kills me is that it's not likely some starving person took this so they could survive, it was just someone who wanted something I had and decided to take it.

I have a revised view of why people like to believe in karma or hell or purgatory or whatever. IT'S BECAUSE WE WANT TO KNOW THOSE ASSHOLES HAVE IT COMING TO THEM.

Ok, I gotta calm down.

Poindexter declared this a movie weekend, due to the INFERNAL RAIN, so we picked up three movies. "Catch Me If You Can", which was fun, and "Adaptation", which was freaking bizarre but enjoyable, and with GREAT performances, and "Red Dragon".

One place that my bad memory really comes in handy is movies. I remembered NOTHING about "Manhunter" except that William Peterson was great, and the bad guy played "Inna Gadda da Vida".

I do remember that I really loved William Peterson in that role. I was not expecting to like the movie much, thinking it would be a sort of formulaic thriller, but Peterson made all the difference. He was just fantastic, very good at showing how he figuring things out, and his fears of being like the killer in some way because of it.

And then now we had Ed Norton. How in god's name did he get that role? Maybe he can do a good job elsewhere, but he was Not. Will. Graham. Sorry.

Some of the other characters were fabulous, though. Ralph Fiennes did a great job of being "a man with a monster on his back" -- frightening and sympathetic at the same time. I liked that Emily Watson was a little "off", with the slightly strange mannerisms of someone who doesn't see how people usually behave. But poor Ed was just ... there.

Today's gratuitous photo is from our fancypants outing to the Capital Grille with Mark last night. Details forthcoming, probably tomorrow.

I'm not looking down my own shirt, I'm checking on the positioning of the knot in the scarf that's over my shoulders.

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