Ramblings and Musings
from Evelynne

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Ottoman Empire
Sundry Mourning
Terry Lee

2003-02-15 - 11:20 p.m.

On the internal soundtrack: Audioslave, "What You Are"


Today I went out to the store for some veggies and I saw a minipin! Whee!!! It sniffed my hand and then began barking madly at me. That was pretty funny. The minipin's owner was a gorgeous black woman with long twists pulled into a ponytail. I wanted to ask her about her dog, but since she was so gorgeous, two men struck up a conversation with her at the same time and I just had to settle for looking at the dog.

Also while I was out, I passed a cafe with a sandwich board on the sidewalk advertising white hot chocolate. Since I'm one of those weird girls who don't like brown chocolate, I was intrigued. Had to get some. It was pretty good, if a bit sweet. Next time I shall try a "vanilla steamer".

I also saw Doc Martens with flames on them in a store window and was strangely drawn to them. I've never been interested in Docs before and I really do not want to start now. They don't work with the rest of my wardrobe.


We got a dusting overnight, and those neighbors were out there scraping it up again. One of them even put salt on my sidewalk. They are such nice people, and they are MAKING ME NUTS.

We watched the taped first episode of Survivor. I've never been interested in that show but there's a deaf chick on it now, so I wanted to check it out.

I relate to the things she has to deal with. I found the "OK, I have to tell you this and it's not a big deal, but..." announcement amusing. It's hard sometimes to help people understand that while there are certain things I need to do to communicate, once you know what they are there's very little mollycoddling that needs to be done.

I wanted to hit that one brunette (Jenna?) who seemed to think that Christy was completely useless because of a slight communication difficulty.

I see that "shit, I've completely lost track of the conversation" smile on her face sometimes that I know I've had on my own face.

I'm not sure if they're cutting stuff out, but from what I've seen it appears that she needs to be a LOT more aggressive about getting people to help her in the communication department. If I were her, I'd find someone and make some sort of deal with her -- something I could do in exchange for her helping me out with the stuff I missed. I would NOT have allowed that thing to happen where she was left alone at the campsite, clueless. I'd be all, "HEY! WAIT A MINUTE!? WHAT'S MY JOB?"

Poindexter's screaming at Susan Sarandon on the TV. He's all red. "YOU'RE A FUCKING LUNATIC!"

I don't know enough about the whole Iraq situation to have an opinion on this matter. I do know I don't mind a well-constructed argument for or against the war (see here for a good one with links to more), but if I see one more person mindlessly say, "It's about OIL!" I'm going to start screaming. And don't get me started on Susan Sarandon.

Anyhow. We have been laughing at the anti-war protesters all day. Because they look like dorks. Poindexter was complaining that the anti-war protesters were getting nonstop coverage, with nothing about the other side, and I thought about that for a minute. Well, most people who believe we should go to war are not HAPPY about it. They see it as the lesser of two evils. So they're not going to take to the streets and start chanting goofy pro-war chants. Therefore, there's nothing to cover BUT the anti-war marching.

I was proved wrong, though. Tonight on the local news, they showed people standing on overpasses with banners saying "Support Our Troops". I would hope that even if I were anti-war, I'd still be able to support our troops in whatever they were ordered to do.

Speaking of which, we were talking to a taxi dispatcher guy at the airport over Christmas who talked about how he loved the cold weather (I was bitching about it). He said he'd been in much crappier conditions when he was in the military, and talked a little about that. I wanted to say "thank you" to him but could not figure out how to say it without sounding ridiculous or perhaps being perceived as sarcastic when in fact I was completely sincere. Damn, *I* don't want to be the one to do that job, so I'm incredibly grateful to people who are. I asked Poindexter for help later, and he suggested, "Thank you for your service to our country."

So, what Poindexter and I did for Valentine's Day was, make fun of all the suburbanites who were here in town for the holiday. The "Hallmark Holiday", as Poindexter and his mother call it. Freaking tourists. What's wrong with a nice restaurant in the 'burbs?!

First, we bitched about how they were all taking up space on the roads and behaving like morons. I went to pick up Poindexter at 4:00 and the streets were a mess. I got stuck behind some woman driving around craning her neck at the buildings. Pick a parking space and walk around to find your building, dammit! He was laughing at the pedestrians who were crossing on a "Don't Walk" sign and nearly getting run over by the traffic making right turns.

Then, we made fun of the guys who were out buying flowers at the last minute. There were a lot of them! Some of them looked pretty frazzled, as though they were running late or had had to go to several stores before they could find some flowers.

The other night, I was talking to Poindexter about how everyone I meet these days is either a neighbor or someone on the internet. "I guess I'm just going to have to accept the fact that the internet is how I meet people."

Then Poindexter went into a long spiel about his two best friends, and how unlikely it is that if he met them today that they would be friends. I thought he was on his way to telling me I was nuts, but it was quite the opposite. He met his two best friends in a situation where they had a lot of time to get to know each other -- one in grade school and the other in community college. Now that they're all married and have families, and none of them have that kind of time to devote to getting to know people well enough to find close friends.

The internet, however, is something that allows you to get to know people at staggered times, and also allows you to cut past the bullshit and get immediately to the meat of the person. So it's actually a pretty good place to at least narrow down the pool of potential friends.

Gratuitous photo of the day:

Just a self-portrait from last weekend. I liked how my hair looked in its sloppy bun, although the photo does not accurately depict how it looked to me when I looked in the mirror. Annoying how that happens. I am wearing no makeup except for a little lipstick. Poindexter makes fun of me and says I look like a chihuahua because my eyes are sort of widened. I think I have cute little ears, though, and he agrees. He has always liked my ears.

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