Ramblings and Musings
from Evelynne

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Quick list:

Ottoman Empire
Sundry Mourning
Terry Lee

2000-08-23 - 9:21pm

On the internal soundtrack: "Hill Street Blues" theme. Again. Sigh.

OK, so I managed to cross one thing off my list: I crazy-glued the eating utensils. Yay me! Plus I'm planning on cleaning the bathroom (not usually my job; I'm giving Poindexter a break) and making the bed in the guest suite.

I don't know why Poindexter had to buy utensils that have two parts that won't stay together, but I am too much of a miser to toss them. So I glue 'em once a year or so.

We do have nice utensils, which I bought when I was single, but the two-piece ones are black and not girly so I keep them around so Poindexter's masculinity does not feel so threatened.

I went out for a skate, which was awful. My new t-shirt doesn't breathe at all, and it's muggy, and there were bugs.

On the plus side, I did see the Loch Ness Monster. He appears to live there all by himself. If he's a beaver, he's not being terribly productive. Not a "busy beaver", haha. I don't see any signs of a dam. He just swims around, very leisurely.

OK. Part of the reason I have this journal is so in the distant future, I can look back and have a picture of my life at this time. With that in mind, I'm going to talk about some everyday mundane things about Life, particularly Life With Poindexter. This could get sappy or even run into the realm of Too Much Information, so if that sort of thing bothers you, skip ahead to the next break.


- We have split the household chores based on how much we hate them. If one person really really hates doing a chore, it becomes the other one's responsibility. So Poindexter cleans the bathrooms, and I wash dishes, and we are both constantly grateful that the other does this nasty work for us.

- Poindexter cooks, I prep and wash dishes.

- I will not clean the stovetop. I hate it too much.

- Our "together time" is right before bed. We talk over our day and snuggle then. We go to sleep at the same time, but Poindexter gets up an 1-1.5 hours before me.

- When Poindexter gets up, he gives me a hug. I'm sort of superstitious about this hug, as though if I don't do it something awful will happen. This is borderline OCD and I should cut it out because it disrupts my sleep (which as you know I need a lot of). But at the same time it's nice.

- I love spooning. Is there anything nicer than spooning? When we fall asleep, first P spoons me and I pass out, then he rolls over, I spoon him and we both pass out.

- We both get very cranky if we don't get enough time alone.

- We leave AIM (AOL Instant Messenger, lest this technology is obsolete in ten years) up all day and talk to each other occasionally.

- Sometimes, if the weather is nice, we sit out on our "porch" (a tiny stoop, at the top of a full story's flight of steps) in beach chairs.

- In the winter, we informally take turns warming up the icy sheets.


- When it's time for Poindexter to go to sleep, his temperature goes up. He feels like he has a fever. It's pretty weird.

- When he eats lunch (or perhaps it's specific to sandwiches), his hands get very cold.

- As long as it's dark out and I'm sound asleep, Poindexter can reposition me in the bed (roll me over, etc.) and I will be completely unaware of it.

- In the winter, we like to turn the temperature down to 62 at night. We sleep like logs that way. Unfortunately, it's a real bitch to get up to go pee in the middle of the night. I'm usually shivering violently when I get back.

- I will watch a show or movie starring someone I can't stand or that is really, really bad, complaining all the while, but I cannot stop watching it.

- I get into cleaning frenzies at night, when I'm supposed to be going to bed. Poindexter prefers to clean in the morning, before he wakes up enough to notice how annoying cleaning is.

- I have a strong dislike for wasting things. I hate using disposable products (and make Poindexter crazy insisting he use Tupperware instead of plastic bags for leftovers). Even if something is sort of worn out, as long as it still works I can't bring myself to throw it away and get a newer, nicer one. Maybe in my last life I went through the Great Depression.

All right, Poindexter's yelling at me that it's bedtime, so off I go.

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