Ramblings and Musings
from Evelynne

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Quick list:

Ottoman Empire
Sundry Mourning
Terry Lee

2005-07-13 - 7:43 p.m.

July 2, 2005

I realized that I have been avoiding posting partly because I feel like I gotta explain where I was and all that. I guess I don't, but the short story is: got a lot of work dumped on me in the same week I had plans to take Wednesday off to go to NYC to meet LJers madbard and theinimitable_l. Listening to them talk IRL is just like reading their LiveJournals. I had a lovely entertaining lunch with them that was about three hours too short, so I guess I'll have to meet up with them again sometime. :) I have a picture that I'll ask them if I can post.

I got off at Penn Station and walked up to a restaurant near the theater to meet them, and I walked up 7th Avenue, also known as *FASHION AVENUE*. Could it BE any more perfect? I wandered in and out of stores all day and went to several sample sales. I sent Poindexter a text message that said, "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeee!" and due to the phone buttons bumping against something in my purse, the message was accidentally sent to him five times. Rather appropriate, actually.

Despite all the options, I spent only $20 on clothes. I got a full-length orange peasant skirt for $13 and a bronze sequin stretchy belt for $7 (pictures forthcoming). I spent a lot more on food, including a chicken pizza with cilantro pesto at lunch and then sharing two appetizers and two entrees with my brother for dinner, where we adventurously ordered bone marrow (served in the bone; it's like eating gelatin, kinda) with oxtail marmalade (delicious), pierogies, pigeon, and fried chicken at a little bar in the Village called Blue Ribbon that I can't find a website for.

New York is incredible. Just incredible. I would love to live there for a while, but I think my head might explode from all the STUFF and PEOPLE and OPTIONS. Whatever you could possibly want, there are a thousand versions of it within a five-block radius. It's just unbelievable. I was a bit relieved to get home to my smaller, more manageable city.

Instead of going to Live 8 today, I went to a gelato place, saw that it wasn't too crowded, and text messaged my new neighbor LJer camilleophelia to come on over. This place is amazing. They have something like twenty flavors, and they'll let you taste them ALL with little sample spoons before you order. The people who work there eat samples too. The one guy working there kept sneaking tastes of peach and rolling his eyes with the pleasure of it. And well as he should. The stuff is like silk; the texture is more like homemade whipped cream than ice cream in its smoothness, and somehow the gelato concentrates the flavors so that it's almost like eating the real thing, but with a different texture. Highly recommended to all the Philly freaks.

While I was waiting for Camille, I saw a guy walk by carrying his pit bull over his shoulder. The dog appeared to be fine, enjoying himself even. Perhaps he'd had enough walking for one day.

July 13, 2005

I don't think anybody's tagged me (pardon me if you did; I've been busy with work and the MIL's visit), but I've been making a list of fictional characters I'd like to have sex with.

Much to my surprise, there isn't any character played by Ewan McGregor that made the list. I think the problem is that I like what I've seen of Ewan McGregor the man (in interviews, behind-the-scenes, and Long Way Round), not any of his characters. Johnny Depp is not on here because my interest in him is predicated on his cheekbones.

I've seen some complaints that this is supposed to be characters from books, saying that if you pick TV/movie characters you're choosing the actor, not the character. I disagree. Unless you are very unusual or blind, physical appearance has something to do with your attraction. However, physical appearance isn't everything. Notice, for example, that I've got Han Solo on my list but not Indiana Jones. It's because I think Han Solo is hotter. I want him to pet my hand and tell me he's a nice man. *swoon* Similarly, I love long hair on men, and I think Orlando Bloom is gorgeous in real life, but Legolas left me cold. Personality counts!

So, the people on this list I've chosen because the *character* does it for me, not the actor per se (though that is definitely a component of the attraction). But just to be nice, I've thrown in a few book characters.

Because I'm all about the why, I'll try to explain what's appealing about each character.

In no particular order:

1. Han Solo, Star Wars (Cocky. 70s hair. Obnoxious.)
2. Boromir, played by Sean Bean (Long hair. Manly. Dedicated. Had a bad moment but redeemed himself and died nobly.)
3. Dr. Wilson and Dr. House, House. Snarky characters with caring underneath. I'm putting them together because a lot of the appeal is in the witty banter and interaction between the two of them, making a threesome more desirable than either of them separately.
4. Sayid, Lost (Long dark curly hair. Whiz with electronics. Quite the gentleman.)
5. Sawyer, Lost. (Bad boy. Obnoxious. Long hair. Are we noticing a pattern here?)
6. Remy McSwain, The Big Easy (Oh. My. God. Do I need to explain this? Also: cocky/obnoxious)

1. Francisco d'Anconia, Atlas Shrugged. (An objectivist who believes "Money is good", and I'd suspect him of being a bit more metro than Hank Rearden, and John Galt is so "perfect" he's boring.)
2. Rhett Butler as portrayed in the book -- I did not like the movie interpretation. (He also likes his money and he tells it like it is, and has a remarkable understanding of how people think.)
3. Trevelyan, from The Duchess by Jude Deveraux (Dark, brooding, an ethnographer, intense, wore a kilt.)

And finally,

James Bond (any of 'em), just to see if he's really any good. This is fiction, so I don't have to worry about catching a disease from him.

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