Ramblings and Musings
from Evelynne

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Ottoman Empire
Sundry Mourning
Terry Lee

2000-09-19 - 10:40am

On the internal soundtrack: The Primus cover of "The Family and the Fishing Net". Keeps trading off with their "Amos Moses" cover from the same album ("Rhinoplasty").

So I was wearing one of Poindexter's Primus t-shirts in the grocery store once, and some guy behind me in line said, "It's good to know Primus still sucks." I went blank for a second (forgetting I was wearing the shirt), then laughed.

He told me that, another time, he said that to another Primus-t-shirt-clad individual. Said individual took immediate offense, responding, "Fuck you, man!"

How can you listen to Primus and wear a t-shirt and not know about the "Primus Sucks" joke? Their official website is, for pete's sake.

The last entry was a little too morose for me, so I'm lightening up a bit now. Nothing but silly blather in this one.

I shaved my legs yesterday. They are smoooooooooth. It's so nice. Unfortunately, they won't be this way for long. Either I can shave them every day, and they will be bumpy and red and gross, or I can shave once a week and be Hairy Earth Woman the other six days.

Most of the time I choose the latter option. Poindexter fusses mildly ("you're fuzzy!"), but apparently my other positive attributes render the hairy legs reasonably tolerable. I suspect he simply doesn't look too closely. But for one glorious day, I am smooth and hairless.

I curse the individuals who decided that people should shave. It's so deeply engrained in American society that there are probably all of five heterosexual American males in the country who are honestly turned on by a woman with hairy legs. And even they would recoil at my hairy legs, which I inherited from my hirsute, dark-haired father.

It's even deeply engrained in me; I confess to generally preferring a smooth-shaven man. On the other hand, I could deal if Poindexter only shaved once a week. After about 3 days, it's not scratchy anymore. Also, I've never made out with a guy with a beard, so who knows. I might like it.

Come to think of it, when I watch clips from Woodstock, I'm rather taken with all those guys with all the long hair and scraggly beards. Even though they're all stoned or tripping. Not to mention, Ewan McGregor with his Kurt Cobain look gets me going. And I even like body hair. Chest hair, leg hair. I like guys with hairy legs. Poindexter has great legs. Mm hmm.

Well, lest this turn into a drool-fest on my part, do you prefer them hairy or smooth?

So Poindexter and I have finally jumped on the bandwagon and started playing The Sims. An important feature of joining said bandwagon was to create SimEvie and SimPoindexter. I had way too much fun creating my house and using lots of colors. My SimHome is a veritable rainbow (clearly, living with a man whose favorite color is black is hard on me).

[FYI: When I say "I did X" here, I mean I deliberately invoked the action. When I say "SimEvie/SimPoindexter did X", it was something the Sim did without any directions from me.]

First thing SimEvie did was jump up and down and clap about the Victorian lamp I'd put in the bedroom. This is me, all right. The rest of the stuff was apparently too cheap for SimEvie to get excited about, except the stereo. Although, inexplicably, she went into paroxysms of joy over the garbage can.

So SimPoindexter comes over to visit SimEvie, and I tried to compliment him, which he didn't like. So I just talked awhile, and presently he wandered into my house. I fed him, since the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, and all that.

After some chatting, SimEvie wandered into the bathroom and began to draw a bath. SimPoindexter followed her in, and kicked her out since he needed to have a sit-down. SimEvie waited in the bedroom. Then SimPoindexter comes into the bedroom (without washing his hands or flushing, I might add), and proceeds to make a pass at SimEvie, which she refused. So he tried AGAIN, and SimEvie responded angrily, and SimPoindexter gave up and went home, with bed on his mind (to sleep, apparently).

Real life conversation:

Evelynne: You tried to rape me!

Poindexter: [laughing hysterically]

Evelynne: I can't believe you did that!

Poindexter: Look at him! "You know you want it, baby, you say no but you mean yes."

This is particularly funny because real-life Poindexter always waited for the woman to make the first move. If I hadn't been brave enough to do that, we wouldn't be married today.

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