Ramblings and Musings
from Evelynne

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For short, random blurbs that don't merit a full entry, check my LiveJournal

Who Am I?
(now with photos)

Who's Who

Who I Read

If you see a dead picture link and REALLY want to see the picture, e-mail me and I'll e-mail it to you. I had to delete a bunch to save space.

Quick list:

Ottoman Empire
Sundry Mourning
Terry Lee

2002-11-18 - 4:55 p.m.

On the internal soundtrack: "I Guess That's Why They Call It 'The Blues'", Elton John

Random crap:

I'm already out to six hours between Tyenols, and eating more normal foods. Wow. I'm almost certain that it's because I was careful to support my jaw this time. Once the assistant saw what I was doing, she pushed my hands away and grabbed onto it really firmly, which was great. Last time I was trying to use my jaw muscles themselves to hold it in place when the surgeon pushed on it, which was a huge mistake.

The MIL is coming to visit. I am SO EXCITED. It's her first visit to the new house, and Papa is coming over Thanksgiving. I'm EXCITED. I could do without waking up at 6am mentally planning the girly things we're going to do during her visit, though.

We spent the whole weekend unpacking and getting the guest room & bath ready. Lots of electrical work for Poindexter. I replaced a toilet seat, all by my own self! And I finally got the kitchen completely unpacked and organized. When we finish the straightening/dusting/vacuuming tonight, I will take pictures and post them.

It rained and rained and rained and rained and RAINED this weekend. I was so irritated. I had to shop in that rain. Poindexter said, "It's raining and raining and it's NOT STOPPING." I hope the Calamity Janes fretting about the drought over the summer are happy. Word to the Janes: What did I tell you? It will RAIN, EVENTUALLY. This is NOT a DESERT. Shut UP, and TURN ON THE GODDAMN FOUNTAINS.

I am trying to grow an oak tree. Our friend Rob has a couple in his backyard, and he was keeping some acorns in plastic cups on his porch. He gave me one, with two acorns in it. I absentmindedly brought it into the house and left it in the foyer, and the next thing you know one of the acorns is sprouting. So I put it in the window, and it is GROWING. I have three leaves already. I shouldn't get too attached to it, because with my luck, it's probably going to die. But I mean, wow, it's a BABY OAK TREE.

None of the paragraphs here are directly related to each other. It's more a stream-of-consciousness. I was gonna try to unify them, but if I do that, it'll never get posted.


SKreidle is wading through my archives, reminding me of entries I'd nearly forgotten. It's fun.

It also reminds me, however, that writing in my journal was a lot easier back then. It's gotten very difficult over the last year, and I'm not exactly sure why. Partly it's because I'm very distracted by all the stuff going on -- Poindexter's "retirement", the move to the studio, the move to the house, and now getting the house into a semblance of shape. I am not as focused on the little fun things as I was back then. Hopefully once I feel more settled, that will come back.

For a while back in 2001, I was very wrapped up in the whole libertarianism thing. It was a fun period in my life, because I had just found this philosophy that sort of organized everything I'd always believed all along, but been unable to articulate. And I had a good time learning better how to articulate my point of view.

My MIL once called me a "natural conservative" because of my way of dealing with my hearing loss. I do whatever I can on my own, and when I need help, I go to individuals and ask them directly. I can't tell you how many strangers I've asked to tell me what an overhead annoucement was, or to help me on the phone if I get stuck. The vast majority of people are happy to help if you ask, which is why I have such faith in humanity in general.

I am able to "repay" them in a karmic sort of way. I get a lot of requests from older people to help them read tiny type. Awhile back I was in the CVS looking at makeup, and an older woman was looking for "creme rouge". I found her some, and then she asked me to read the names of the colors because they were too tiny for her. I love being able to do that for people.

Right around August of 2001, I was starting to realize the depressing truth that human beings seem to trend toward socialism. I don't know why that is, except that maybe the survival instinct makes them lean toward safety, and socialism feels safe. Protect me, protect everybody, and we'll all be happy. Combine that with the fact that government only knows how to grow, and you've got a pretty hopeless situation. Now and then I think little pockets of liberty will happen (I'm intrigued by the Free State Project), but it's pretty rare. I'm really amazed that this country was ever founded.

I'm still as libertarian as ever in my personal philosophy, but my interest in getting the world to understand my POV has waned, and I'm preaching to the choir on LJ, anyway.

Boy, don't I sound negative. 'Twill be interesting to see how this evolves over time.

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